Downers Grove, IL artist, Lavinia Morozan, is pictured here at the Downers Grove Handmade Market where she had a table in her booth for parents and children to experience fiber arts projects. Lavinia works with students in her own after-school art programs at three Downers Grove-area schools plus in her own home studio. Scroll down to see student art projects and Lavinia's own work...
Artist and art teacher, Lavinia Morozan, is definitely a mover and shaker. As she likes to say with a smile, “I’m using both sides of my brain!” From teaching and creating her own multi-media work that reflects her love of geometry to launching her own business this year, she loves the art of exploration.
Her new Downers Grove, IL home-based business, “Art Studio for Fun” welcomes children into the creative world with step-by-step directions, fun projects, and a variety of classes. She teaches from both her home studio and at three different Downers Grove elementary schools in her own after-school art programs.
Lavinia moved to the U.S. from Romania in 2005 when her architect husband accepted a job in Chicago. As a fiber artist focused on fashion, she was immediately drawn to the busy Chicago arts scene. Working as a costume builder at the Joffrey Ballet, Lyric Opera, and Goodman Theater, to name a few, she is not celebrity-struck, but instead enjoys the hustle-bustle of behind-the-scenes, top-notch productions.
In 2015, she earned her master’s degree in art education from DePaul University which continued to fuel her passion for both teaching and artistry. Although she taught locally in the school system, she decided to follow her heart to be her own boss for freedom and flexibility.
By taking online business classes, she taught herself the fundamentals of how to put together a viable business. During January 2023 she created her business website and in March “Art Studio for Fun” was officially launched.
“I’m passionate about teaching art and sharing my gifts with others,” she says. Although she loved the costume work with theatrical productions, she missed teaching and the energetic enthusiasm of children.
Her varied classes welcome children of all experience levels and backgrounds to learn everything from sewing and fiber artistry to painting and collage. Sessions are 10-weeks long lasting 75-minutes each for a fee of $300. Students typically range in age, on average, from 6 to 13. During the summer she also offers all-day art and cooking camps for children.
“I felt called to do this work to help others think of art as an essential part of everyday life,” she sums up. “By creating positive experiences for others to enjoy, they’ll feel encouraged to develop a deeper appreciation for embracing art.”
For more information and class updates, visit:Art Studio for Fun in Downers Grove, Illinois
Lavinia's art website is https://laviniamorozan.com
On Instagram, she has one for her studio and one for her own art -- they are @artstudioforfun and @laviniamorozan

A mixed-media winter project for Lavinia's students where they'll learn how to draw and paint animals, among other skills this project presents.

Another student art project.

Lavinia's poster for advertising upcoming classes.

Lavinia's mixed media using wood pieces.

Another of Lavinia's creations using wood

Lavinia's piece also incorporates collage.

Artist and teacher, Lavinia Morozan.