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  • Writer's pictureLynne Kornecki

Sneak Peek at Gallery 200's November Featured Artist & Son's 3D Work

Artist Britta Renwick and her son, Alec, are featured during the month of November 2023 with their 3D pieces in MY 3D JOURNEY at Gallery 200, 103 W. Washington Street, in downtown West Chicago, IL. Be sure to stop by and see it in person if your time allows!

Gallery hours are:

Thursdays & Fridays - 2 to 6 pm

Saturdays - 10 am - 4 pm

Sundays - 12 pm - 4 pm

Visit the online store anytime at

Here's a peak at the incredible work Britta and Alec have done with their nature-inspired pieces.

ROOTED -- paper mache clay, photography and acrylic

PRICKLY-- paper mache clay, photography,-- and acrylic

I'M SO PRETTY -- Paper mache clay, acrylic


SOUND OF FALL -- Britta says, "What I love most about Fall is the sound the leaves make when you walk through them."

SPLAY -- Segment Origami

FALCON -- soldered wire art

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