Did you know that each week Art BEAT Buzz reaches both a national and an international audience of art-loving readers?
If you’re an artist looking to gain more exposure for your work, start with an Art BEAT Buzz feature! Share your work for either our PICTURE OF THE WEEK page or tell us your art journey on our ARTIST SPOTLIGHT page. Inclusion is totally FREE. Application for acceptance is easy. For consideration, simply submit four jpgs of your work along with an artist statement to contact@artbeatbuzz.com.
After our team reviews and accepts your submission, you will be contacted either by email for the PICTURE OF THE WEEK page or booked for a 30-40" telephone interview for the ARTIST SPOTLIGHT page. The resulting article will include 6 JPGs of your work with additional exposure on our social media platforms – Facebook and Instagram.
Please consider reaching out to our team today!!! We look forward to learning more about you and helping you gain the additional recognition you deserve. ###