Joanne Aono, who is highly respected as both an artist and curator, knows the art world well. In the Fox Valley area, she curated an exhibit at the Geneva Center for the Arts last fall. She is also the director of Cultivator Arts Cultivator - Chicago Art Exhibitions & Farm Art Projects (cultivatorarts.com) helping under-represented artists. Additionally, she serves on the exhibition committee of the Riverside Arts Center, 32 E. Quincy in Riverside, IL. And, on top of all this, she maintains her own studio at Bray Grove Farm in north central Illinois planning arts events there and practices holistic farming. Here is her latest news…
5th Anniversary Exhibition
boundary 2334 West 111th Place -- Chicago On view: June 18 - July 30, 2022
"I will have a new outdoor installation included in the five-year anniversary exhibition for boundary. Directed by Susannah Papish, her alternative space has provided many fortunate artists with a stellar space. It was a wonderful experience having my solo exhibition there last year. "My contribution titled boundary is an outdoor installation in honor of the five-year anniversary. It depicts the number “5” in sunflower seeds surrounded by stones and wood mulch. Influenced by farming, I accept that nature is often out of one’s control and use the concept of natural intervention as a material in my art. Animals, birds, the wind, and weather will scatter and consume the seed, eventually revealing text listing the artists who have exhibited with boundary since 2017, drawn on the paper substrate. Like boundary, the seed nourishes and provides potential for future growth. "Join us at the opening reception - look at this roster!"
John Dodge, Chinatsu Ikeda, Annette Hur, Maya Mackrandilal, Stephanie Brooks, Meg Duguid, International Chefs of Mystery, Andreas Fischer, Stephanie Graham, Philip Von Zweck, James Kao, Nancy Y. Kim, Alejandro Acierto, Sarah Bastress, Andy Moore, Carla Winterbottom, Alexandra Antoine, Alysia Kaplan, Erin Smego, James Jankowiak, Deirdre Fox, Scott Wolniak, Joanne Aono, Joan Goldin, Melissa Potter, Amy Babinec, George Liebert, Melissa Oresky, Hope Wang
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Fine Line Creative Arts Center | www.fineline.org