AWARD OF EXCELLENCE winner, Joan Ladendorf; CREATE-A-WOMAN with rearrangeable pieces to create new personalities and philosophies; digital photo collage on wood panel, $2,400.00
"Artful Antics" is a great title for this lively, creative, and imaginative exhibit featuring 125 artworks by 72 artists in a variety of 2D and 3D approaches at the Norris Gallery, 1040 Dunham Road, in St. Charles, IL. The Norris Gallery is located within the Norris Cultural Arts Center on the campus of St. Charles East High School. Admission is free and parking is available across from the Center. Gallery hours are Thursday – Sunday from 11 am – 4 pm and when the Center is open for performances. All work in” Artful Antics” is for sale.
The judge for “Artful Antics” was well-known, Geneva-based sculptor, Larry Johnson. Larry is an exhibiting artist and has judged numerous art shows.
Award of Excellence:
Joan Ladendorf; Create-a-Woman with rearrangeable Pieces
Caroleen O'Connor Rivera; Listening to the Whale Song
Award of Merit
Elisabeth Dzuricsko; Cicadas Embark to Cythera 2
Connie Olesen Orbeta; The Mystic
And congratulations to the nine HONORABLE MENTION winners:
Jeanne Garrett, Dan Grych, Chris Hodge, Lucas Leonard, Joan Mills, Mary Ellen Seagraves, Thomas Trausch, Patricia Van Dusen and Nicole Yingst.
More information about the Norris Gallery and “Artful Antics” is posted on the Norris website: www.norrisculturalarts.com or call: 630-584-7200.