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Lisa Youngdahl's Roving Artistic Eye Always Seeks to Capture a Magic Moment in Time

Artist, Lisa Youngdahl, sent out this image as her Christmas card one year. "First Snow", colored pencil and acrylic on black paper, 9.25” x 7.75” framed; 8 x 10 print on Etsy

See more of Lisa's artwork below...

Name: Lisa Youngdahl

Medium: Mixed Media including colored pencils, acrylics, digital

Owner: Resolution Creative Visual Communications Studio (founded in 1990)

Location: Batavia, IL

Education: Bachelor of Science, Graphic Design

Background: Starting in about third or fourth grade, Lisa became highly critical of the illustrations in the children’s books she read, and decided to draw her own! She also enjoyed making greeting cards for her family and on the back where it might read, “Hallmark” she labeled it THE LISA COMPANY – obviously the predecessor to the graphics design company she now heads – Resolution Creative. Almost as far back as she can remember, she has always liked drawing to the point where her friends would have her draw pictures for them. Her art career path led her to Fortune 500 companies and then on to freelancing and setting up her own shop.

Favorite Drawing Subjects: Musicians – influenced by Americana music with some rock sprinkled in --she enjoys capturing their movements and how expressive their faces are as they perform. Although she claims not to have any musical talent herself, she loves it as an art form. She also enjoys drawing nature or animals surrounded by their natural landscape. And just so she doesn’t miss anything interesting that might cross her path, she keeps her NIKON camera handy in case something catches her eye.

“When I see something interesting, I want to capture it, “she says.

Artistic Challenges: “I’d actually like to move on to producing more conceptual artwork than just recreating art from my photos… Art takes practice to learn techniques, however I’m always looking for ways to grow as an artist.”

Lisa accepts commissions for portraits or pets. She also works with businesses designing logos or other visual projects.

Here’s how to learn more about her:

Being Koi - 20” x 16” framed, Watercolor pencil and colored pencil, $470

Never Gonna Change - Not For Sale

Mother Church is framed 14” x 14,” Watercolor Pencil and Colored Pencil on black,

Ocean Views - Colored Pencil, Photography and Digital printed on canvas. $150.

Lisa poses with the mural she designed for Fox Valley Special Recreation Association on the outside wall of Kiss the Sky record store, 180 First Street, in Batavia, IL.


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