Artist Name: Linda Palmer
Resides in: Sugar Grove, Il
Medium: Colored Pencil
Painting Name: “Skyward” (See close-up below)
Artist Statement: The inspiration for my artwork always seems to lean towards nature and all that it holds. In the beginning process of an art piece, I try to keep all options open, but always seem to gravitate to the endless supply of beauty and wonder that nature provides. For me, the magnificence of nature can be found in sweeping vistas or even something less simple, such as a grasshopper planted on the petals of a flower. The colors, natural lighting, many textures and atmospheric feeling of a subject is what "draws" me in. And when that first glance turns into an "ahh... moment” I'm hooked and the inspiration wheels start to turn.
Inspiration: “Skyward’s” inspiration came to me while on local walks at Johnson’s mound and the Virgil Gilman Trail. I found myself surrounded by so many beautiful and interesting trees, many that had fallen. The connected, trailing and entwined roots never fail to spark my interest and imagination.
For Sale: NFS
Prints Available: Yes
Contact Information…dvmpalm@aol.com